🕸️3 platform ecosystem



Last Collections:

These are the latest projects added, you can register to the allow list or mint if the events are available, some collections are exclusive for the "Collectors Ωmega Pass" holders.

Private sale:

Public sale:

Go to details

Private sale:


Public sale:


1,234 allow list spots

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Minting schedules:

Private price

Public price

TODAY Private sale

9,999 Total Suppply

1,234 Allow list spots

0.1Ξ Private price

0.15Ξ Public price

Άlpha Pass

For Creators


Create a new collection

Create a new project using the Creator's Άlpha pass (valid for an unlimited number of projects)


Set the flow of events

Configure automatically events that switch between (Registration -> Private Mint -> Public Mint)


Mint in-page

Set up your mint flow in just 3 steps, without coding and using your own smartcontract.

Boost your launch

Use our marketing technology/tools to notify the entire waiting list audience on the day of minting (1/9)..

Get Creator Pass

Ωmega Pass

For Collectors

Exclusive Access

Pass holders have access to exclusive, premier and regular paid and free mint collections.

In-house ecosystem technology

We are developing many web3 services, such as the ENS, the membership application and the photo marketplace. .... be part of it all!

Access to all features

Get full access to all Colectors features such as live activity, calendars and network projects.

Exclusive Airdrops

Ωmega Pass holders will receive a series of Airdrops collections organized by MintFlow..... the first airdrop is after the public mint!

Get Collector Pass


The goal of MintFlow is to simplify the minting process and create a standard, in this way creators can focus on their product/art and forget about complicated processes such as creating the right path to launch their NFT project.

At the same time, we want to connect collectors with the best upcoming collections.

We believe in this space and our mission is add value to the market and bullish the NFT economy developing web3 technology.
We listed in: